Climate change is going to screw adult everyone’s diets. For humans, that means reduction chocolate and more Washington Sauvignon. Strange dietary changes have already influenced a oft-symbolized face of tellurian warming, frigid bears. For a initial time ever, Arctic frigid bears were seen feasting on white-beaked dolphins.

The odd behavior was initial celebrated by researchers in 2014 on a tiny fjord in Svalbard, Norwegian High Arctic, according to a new investigate published in Polar Research. Since then, six bears have been speckled eating a dolphins in that area. The dolphins were stranded in a Arctic since their emigration patterns were disrupted by warmer weather, reports a Independent. Here’s more:

Usually, a dolphins usually go adult north during a warmer summer — though this year they have arrived in spring.

“We advise [the dolphins] were trapped in a ice after clever primeval winds a days before, and presumably killed when forced to aspect for atmosphere during a tiny opening in a ice,” a authors of a investigate write. White-beaked dolphins tend to transport north to Svalbard during a warmer summer, though haven’t been reported so distant north in a early Spring.

An adult frigid bear feeding on a stays of a white-beaked dolphin in Raudfjorden on 2 Jul 2014. The dolphin is reputed to be a member of a same pod as a dolphins eaten by a bear in April.
An adult frigid bear feeding on a stays of a white-beaked dolphin in Raudfjorden on Jul 2, 2014. The dolphin is reputed to be a member of a same pod as a dolphins eaten by a bear in April.
Polar Research

With food sources scarcer than ever, ice-trapped dolphins are substantially a steer for bruise frigid bear eyes. Another sign that things are totally screwed adult in a Arctic ecosystem: The bears are indeed saving their leftovers by frozen them underneath a ice. Here’s a Independent with more:

After eating a dolphin, a bear seemed to cover it with ice so that it could be kept for later. Such poise is singular in frigid bears, and could be a outcome of a animals not carrying adequate to eat.

The authors of a investigate report a bear as carrying “clearly manifest ribs” and being “very skinny.”

The medium of frigid bears is timorous drastically as a Arctic warms. As such, scientists design to be means to observe them most reduction in a entrance years.

Looks like a days of frigid bear-dolphin peace, love, and cohabitation are over, folks. You have accede to weep into your old Lisa Frank folders, now.